Cultivating an Abundance Mindset



4 minutes

The Abundance Mindset: Attracting Success with Positivity

Scarcity thinking plagues many - there’s not enough time, money, opportunities. But this mindset becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy sabotaging our goals and happiness. Similar to the "Happiness Advantage," adopting an abundance mentality can shift your perspective and lead to long term success and achievement through stronger relationships and a more fulfilling mindset.

We've all seen this in our work life:

  • The manager who hoards information and know-how out of fear it makes them indispensable. They worry about job security rather than collaborating.
  • A leader pitting team members against each other, creating competition for limited raises and promotions.
  • A director writing a negative performance review focused on an employee's shortcomings rather than providing abundant constructive feedback to help them in their career.

I'm sure we have all felt this too - the feeling that if someone else succeeds it will be instead of me, rather than both of us having the opportunity to succeed.

While there are situations where this is possible, there is freedom in dropping the ego and embracing an abundance mindset. Abundance thinking exudes positivity and possibility. It views time, resources and ideas as boundless, accessible through imagination and effort. While scarcity fixates on lack, abundance finds solutions.

The Benefits of an Abundance Mindset

  • A sense of possibility and optimism replaces gloom, fear or resentment. One sees opportunities everywhere rather than obstacles.
  • Creativity and inspiration flow more freely. The mind expands to consider ideas and solutions that seemed out of reach before.
  • More willingness to collaborate and share versus hoarding knowledge, contacts or resources.
  • Greater confidence and self-worth. No longer clinging anxiously to what one has out of lack.
  • Increased generosity and compassion towards others who are struggling.
  • A heightened sense of gratitude for all the positive in one's life.
  • Feeling empowered and driven in pursuing dreams and goals versus playing small.
  • More openness to experience, personal growth and change rather than rigidity.
  • Higher energy and enthusiasm overall, less drag of negativity.
  • Feeling connected to something larger vs alone and unsupported.

Shifting From Scarcity to Abundance

  1. Drop Your Ego - Don't let your ego get in the way of results. Focus on the outcomes and the process, and worry about your ego later.
  2. Share Generously with Others - Abundance enjoys collaborating, freely sharing ideas and contacts. Scarcity hoards know-how, seeing others as threats. Abundance attracts support, scarcity repels it.
  3. Celebrate Others - Give praise and encouragement freely. Support others’ dreams. While its cliché, the joy you feel uplifting people will come back to you multiplied.
  4. Reflect on Your Inner Circle - Surround yourself with people that want to see you succeed rather than compare their success to yours.

With consistent practice, scarcity fades to the background. Opportunities seem to flow your way. An abundance mindset becomes self-fulfilling, driving achievement and fulfillment. Success flourishes in this positive soil.


  1. Where at work do I perceive scarcity (of resources, rewards, credit)? How could I reframe these situations more positively?
  2. Who do I tend to view as competition at work? How could I shift to more collaboration with these individuals?
  3. What is one small way I could introduce more gratitude, positivity or sharing into my workday?


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